11/1/2024 - Client Update, Wilderness Bosses and Transmogrification

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11/1/2024 - Client Update, Wilderness Bosses and Transmogrification

Post by Mrbennjerry »

Patch notes for: 11/1/2024

- Updated game revision from 199 to 226
- Some client-side benefits of this:
      - Client should be much more performant
      - Client size is almost halved
      - The GPU and HD plugins now have the ability to uncap FPS and hide unrelated maps
      - Menu entry swapper plugin has been updated
            - Can now swap any menu action on any npc/object/item
      - 'View DPS' button on equipment interface that opens wiki dps calculator
            - Doesn't include increases from relics
      - Lootbeams for valuable drops
      - Chat colors set in the settings menu will now work as a plugin is no longer overriding them
      - Plugin profiles that allow you to save/load plugin configuration profiles
      - Plugin hub support
            - At the moment this uses RuneLite's plugin hub, which could result in plugins being broken with Infinem
            - I'll work on adding support for our own plugin hub so the plugins can be curated
      - HD plugin now has higher visual fidelity and much more options, including seasons
      - Spell reordering
      - Ability to hide individual prayers and spells
      *Hiscore plugin will be broken until I update the API*

On top of all the client benefits, this upgrade allows us to stay more up to date on content.
Content like Varlamore would not be possible without this upgrade.

Scaling changes
- Base experience rate has been increased from 10x to 15x
- Bestiary unique entries now reward base kills towards perks for all non-boss entries
      - 25 unique entries - 50 base kills
      - 50 unique entries - 100 base kills
      - 100 unique entries - 250 base kills
      - 200 unique entries - 500 base kills
      - 400 unique entries - 1,000 base kills
- I will be boosting loot from bosses in the next update

Wilderness Boss Refresh
- Updated three of the wilderness bosses to their current OSRS versions: Venenatis, Callisto, and Vet'ion
      - These new versions are located in caves located in the eastern wilderness, around level 35-40
      - These versions have reworked mechanics and are intended to be fought in a group
      - Loot distribution works using an MVP system, rewarding the top damaging players, based on their contribution
      - Killcount increases and pet rolls occur for the top damaging players when fought in a group
- Added easier variants of the 3 reworked bosses: Spindel, Artio, and Calvar'ion
      - These variants have similar mechanics, but do not hit as hard and have less stats
      - They are located in caves in central wilderness, around level 20-30
      - These variants are intended to be fought solo and are located in singles+ zones
- Both the group and solo variants on these wilderness bosses have reworked drop tables with new uniques:
      - Venenatis/Spindel drop Fangs of venenatis
            - Can be combined with an uncharged Craw's bow to make the Webweaver bow
      - Callisto/Artio drop Claws of callisto
            - Can be combined with an uncharged Viggora's chainmace to make the Ursine chainmace
      - Vet'ion/Calvar'ion drop the Skull of vet'ion
            - Can be combined with an uncharged Thammaron's sceptre to make the Accursed sceptre
      *These upgraded variants of the wilderness weapons have higher stats and special attacks*
      - Each of these bosses now drop a fragment of the Voidwaker
            - Venenatis/Spindel drop the Voidwaker gem
            - Callisto/Artio drop the Voidwaker hilt
            - Vet'ion/Calvar'ion drop the Voidwaker blade
      - These fragments can be brought to Madam Sikaro in the Ferox Enclave Dungeon with 500k to create a Voidwaker

      - Transmog interface can be accessed from the equipment tab
      - Transmogs are shown to all players in all locations outside of the wilderness
      - Skillcapes, monkey backpacks, coffins, fire cape, infernal cape, and diary equipment are automaticall collected as transmogs when their requirements are met
      - Any other equippable item in the game (excluding rings/ammo) can be added as a transmog by using a Transmog imbuement scroll
            - Weapon overrides are a little iffy, so at the moment weapon overrides only apply when not holding a weapon, or holding a weapon of the exact same type
      - Transmog imbuement scrolls can be purchased from the store or with vote tickets
      - There is a setting in the settings menu to disable transmog popups

- The task list interface is now resizable and can be moved around the screen
      - It will also stay open when moving, performing actions, or in combat
- The task list interface now has a search bar
- Added spell resizing in the spellbook
- Added not implemented message to settings that don't do anything
- Added weapon attack speed to equipment stats interface
- Added prayer filtering to the prayer tab
- Equipment can now be unequipped and deposited from the bank equipment interface
- Tablet making interface has been updated
- Making tablets in your house now uses this new interface
- Jewellery enchant spells are now all consolidated in an enchantment sub-menu
- Added Civitas illa Fortis teleport spell
- Added tinted hitsplats for hits from/against other players
      - Can be toggled in the settings
- Added static boss health bars
      - Shown at the top of the screen for the duration of the fight
      - Can be enabled and customized in the settings
      - Currently setup to show for: Callisto, Artio, Venenatis, Spindel, Vet'ion, Calvar'ion, King black dragon, Scorpia, Zulrah, Vorkath, Corporeal beast, General graardor, Commander zilyana, Kree'arra, K'ril tsutsaroth, Kalphite queen, Sarachnis, Obor, Bryophyta, Hespori, Skotizo, Abyssal sire, Cerberus, Kraken, Thermonuclear smoke devil, Alchemical hydra, Jad, Zuk, and the CoX bosses
- Kourend teleport now requires level 48 magic to cast, down from 69
- Looting bags can now be purchased for slayer points from the slayer shop
- Added Revenant task extension unlock, Revenenenenenants, purchasable for 100 slayer points
- Appearance improvements
      - Added 21 new hairstyles
      - Added 5 new hair colors: navy blue, bright red, yellow, dark purple, and aqua
      - Hairstyles are now unisex and can be used on either body type
      - Facial hair is now unisex
      - Added new unisex top and bottom styles, as well as sleeves
- All these new styles can be selected in the new makeover interface, free of charge
      - All original styling npcs now have access to all makeover types
      - Yrsa in Rellekka can now perform makeovers
- House viewer 'Go to Portal' button now brings you to the proper location
- House viewer can now be used to move rooms and add new rooms
- Added MLM upper level hopper
- Added rainbow: chat effect
- Added random setting to the music player
- Moved loop music player setting to the settings menu
- Added an in and out fade to the music player
- Added new skill guide interface
      - Can be toggled in the settings, defaults to off
- Skill guide is now moveable and stays open during actions
- Charter ships can now be taken to Kourend
- Added item set packing/unpacking for new items
- Added singles-plus to some wilderness zones:
      - Revenant caves
      - Wilderness Agility Course
      - Arto, Calvar'ion and Spindel arenas
- Elnock now sells impling jars for 2k gp each
- Reduced slayer point cost of rune pouches to 750 from 1250
- Added task-only lizardman shamen spawns in the lizardman caves
- Added lizardmen shamen spawns to the lizardmen temple
- Konar will now assign lizardmen in proper locations
- Storing slayer tasks after unlocking it no longer costs points
- Attempting to store a task with one already stored will now swap them
- Storing slaying tasks now works with Konar tasks
- Task storage can no longer be used with krystilia
- Added a 7th slayer block slot that requires 8k task points
- Added thieving stalls in prifddinas
- Removed the eyesore that was the info board in Lumbridge
- Removed the boat form behind the Infinem Guide
- Slayer shop items can no longer be purchased with a full inventory
- Fixed teleportation coordines of some teleport tablets
- Fixed 'Defeat 30 Black Dragons in Asgarnia' task bounds
- Fixed issue where selected autocast could clear on logout
- Fixed issue where your first attack after logging in would attempt to autocast, regardless of style
- Fixed beard/hair transparency issues with kandarid headgear 1, 2 and 3
- Fixed instances where an expeditious bracelet would cause a task to reset
- Fixed 'Steal a Diamond in Dorgesh-Kaan' task being completeable outside of Dorgesh-Kaan
- Fixed two trolls, Berry and Twig, being aggressive
- Fixed slayer block slots sometimes saying they require quest points
- Fixed issue where having too many items in the bank would lead to some not appearing
- Full pies are now tradeable

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